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The 10-week program that is designed to teach you how to change your relationship with anxiety and overcome your anxious thoughts, the symptoms, panic, and fears and experience lots more peace, joy, and freedom!

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Panic to Peace

with Shannon Jackson

A 10-week program that teaches you how to heal your relationship with anxiety and overcome your anxious thoughts, the symptoms, panic, and fears and experience lots more peace, joy, and freedom!

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Doors are closed

Panic to Peace will open again in September 2025. Jump on the waiting list and you'll be the first to know when doors open!

Congrats! You're on the waitlist!


You're tired of this...

- Struggling with panic disorder or agoraphobia.
- Being consumed by anxious thoughts and fear.
- Fearing the symptoms and panic attacks.
- Always convincing yourself that you're trapped or not in control.
- Always anticipating the worst case scenario. 
- Struggling with being far from home, or going places alone, or being home alone, or driving, or toilet anxiety, or being in public places, or going to work, or just doing everyday things.
- Struggling to do the things you want to do in life, and you want to experience more peace, joy, and freedom!

And you want this...

- To find freedom from the anxious thoughts, the symptoms, panic, and fears.

- To not fear panic attacks or the symptoms.

- To go places and do things without worrying about what might or could happen.

- To go on adventures, and travel, and do things that you've always wanted to do.

- To experience lots more peace and joy!

And the journey there doesn't have to be so darn tough!

Let's stop...

  • Try to make your anxious thoughts, the symptoms, panic, and fears go away

  • Try to exposure therapy your way to recovery (there's so much more to recovery!)

  • Convince yourself that you just need to learn to "manage" anxiety and cope

  • Try all of the tips, tools, and solutions and still feel lots of anxiety

  • White knuckle your way through facing your fears

  • Convince yourself that you're missing something

  • Question whether or not you're doing things "right"

  • Look to your safety person for help

How about I teach you simple tools that actually work! Things like...

  • How to respond to your anxious thoughts, the symptoms, panic, and fears so that they stop popping up

  • How to go at fear without it being so hard

  • How to face your fears without forcing yourself to do things you don't even want to do

  • How to feel experience relief and peace that actually sticks around

  • How to heal without becoming a mindfulness guru or practicing a bunch of breathing or grounding techniques

  • How to trust and believe in you so that you aren't looking outside of yourself for answers and help

  • How to keep taking action even when things feel hard

  • How to start betting on yourself, because YOU are the magic thing that is going to lead you to recovery!

Testimonials from people who have worked with me

"I was hesitant to take Panic to Peace because of the cost, and I also wondered… What if it doesn’t help me? But it was worth the money and it has definitely helped! Panic to Peace has made such a difference to how I feel and I’ve learnt so much so I would 100% recommend the programme to anyone struggling with anxiety in any form. Shannon is the best teacher and explains things in such a clear and simple way at the right pace. She is also so real and passionate about what she is talking about and you can tell how much she really cares about us and wants to support and help us as much as possible. Listening to and speaking to others who are going through the same struggles as myself has made such a difference and I no longer feel so alone. Cheering each other on when we achieve wins and supporting each other when things seem hard has been amazing as well. Joining the programme is one of the best decisions I’ve made!"

- Amy

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Here's what you get when you join...

- The complete Panic to Peace program + all bonuses (Value: $2,500)

- 26 lessons + 4 bonus lessons (Value: $1,000)
- 12 live sessions in my Zoom room, including teachings, Q&A sessions, group discussions/support. (Value: $1,750) *live lessons not included in self-paced version
- A 60 minute one-on-one session with me *only included with live version

A 75 page workbook. (Value: $97)
- Access to me and to others who are on a similar journey as you in my private P2P community.

Q: When does the next round of Panic to Peace start?

A: The doors to Panic to Peace will open again in September 2025.

Weekly live sessions + a one-on-one session with me
- Great if you're wanting extra support, accountability, and motivation

Panic to Peace
(Live version)

4 Monthly Payments of  $367

Panic to Peace
(Live version)

Pay in full + save

A One-Time Payment of  $1,347

Just press play on the modules!
- Great if you're wanting to take the program at your own pace and not within a group.

*Self-paced version does not include live sessions or a 1:1 session with me

Panic to Peace
(Self-paced version)

4 Monthly Payments of  $160

Panic to Peace
(Self-paced version)

Pay in full + save

A One-Time Payment of  $597

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