In this episode of A Healthy Push podcast, I dive into one of my favorite subjects and one that’s especially personal to me: Panic Attacks. As someone who suffered from panic attacks for over 10 years, I understand firsthand how uncomfortable and scary they can be, and I’d be dishonest if I said the younger version of me thought I’d ever be comfortable enough to discuss them at length. Yet, here I am!
If this sounds like you, this post is for you. Here, I’ll discuss some of the most common mistakes people make in addressing their panic and panic attacks, as well as actionable, healthy steps you can take to start your journey toward long-term, effective healing. Alright, let’s get into the 5 things that will hold you back from saying goodbye to panic attacks!

Having a Goal to Do Things Without Panicking
Sounds good in theory, right? This is a common approach I see with my students, and it's understandable to want to avoid panic attacks. However, recovering from anxiety and panic involves feeling… a lot. So, when you’re constantly trying to control or avoid these feelings of panic, it’s actually counterintuitive to your overall healing. It’s also an unrealistic goal to set for yourself and can bring feelings of failure or inadequacy, which can lead to even more panic and anxiety.
Instead of making it a goal to avoid panicking altogether, make it your goal to do things while allowing yourself to be in tune with your feelings of panic, as uncomfortable as it may be. As you practice this approach, you’re teaching your brain that although you are having these feelings of anxiety and panic, you are safe, and you are capable of doing anything, whether you’re having a panic attack or not.
2. Only Doing Things When You Feel “Good Enough” (Not Anxious)
I was guilty of this myself. I would only do things or leave the house if I felt “up to it”. Meaning I’m rested, regulated, not having anxious feelings, and ready to take on whatever it may be. And in my mind, I thought, well, I’m not feeling anxious or panicky right now, therefore I run a lower risk of these feelings coming on when I start on whatever task was in front of me that day.
When you’re only doing things when you feel “good enough”, you’re not teaching yourself (i.e. your brain) that you are safe and capable. Rather, you’re teaching yourself that you’re fragile, not able to handle these big, uncomfortable, overwhelming feelings of anxiety and panic. When in reality, you very much are.
3. Not Fighting Back Against the Limitations You’ve Created
I can do this, but I can’t do that. I can go here, but I can’t go there. I can do this if someone is with me, but I can’t do it alone. Sound familiar? Although it’s largely unintentional, people suffering from panic attacks can oftentimes create limitations for themselves, all in an effort to avoid uncomfortable feelings. Now that we’ve established a few irrational limitations in reasons 1 and 2, let’s now understand/acknowledge how allowing them to continue will only make things worse.
Instead of accepting and adhering to the limitations you’ve created for yourself, slow things down, check in with yourself, and try pushing back against these limitations in small ways. Remember, healing comes by pushing beyond your limitations and comfort zone. I always tell people… Facing the hard stuff is uncomfortable. Struggling with anxiety, panic, and fear every day is uncomfortable. You have to choose the discomfort that will lead to healing, peace, joy, and freedom.
4. Forcing Yourself to Feel Calm
I remember telling myself, “Shannon, calm down, you’re fine”. I imagine many of you have tried the same thing as if you can magically order yourself to feel calm and not anxious in the midst of a panic attack. The reality is, you’re not going to simply convince yourself you’re not having a panic attack. It reminds me of the old saying about the immovable object meeting the unstoppable force. You can attempt to fight your body’s fight-or-flight responses all you want, but it’s an impossible feat that will only lead to frustration (and more anxiety). By attempting to calm yourself in these moments, you’re teaching your brain that what is happening is in fact bad, and you’re incapable of dealing with it. It starts a vicious cycle that can be mind-numbing to try and break.
You know what actually helps to induce feelings of calmness? Feeling safe. This is something I teach in all of my classes and it’s what I help my students with a ton. Because when you create safety within your body and within yourself, you don’t have to force yourself to feel calm, because calm naturally comes when you feel safe. And when you work on building safety, you no longer feel like you have to throw all of the things at anxiety when you’re feeling it because you have this knowing that your body will come back down to balance. It’s such a beautiful thing. So yeah, creating safety over forcing calm will help a ton in overcoming panic attacks!
5. Avoiding Healing Your Trauma(s)
Another vital but sometimes overlooked aspect of addressing your panic and anxiety is healing your trauma(s). I’m going to keep this short and sweet because I have full episodes on trauma with trauma experts. But I have to say this… not everyone who experiences panic attacks has experienced trauma. But, there are lots of people who experience panic attacks who have experienced trauma, and this is something that you can’t overlook. Traumatic experiences affect the brain and nervous system, altering emotional regulation and how you respond to stress or emotional triggers. Meaning, trauma can really affect the way anxiety is showing up for you now.
In my experience with a therapist, working through my trauma was a monumental step in my healing process. It helped me identify and work through my traumas, reduce emotional reactivity, identify emotions in general, and emotional regulation. Whether you’ve seen or are seeing a therapist or coach or have never tried it, I encourage you to start identifying and addressing your trauma. As difficult as it may be, it will be a major step on your journey to long-term healing.
Common Theme: Avoidance
In the 5 things we’ve discussed, you might have noticed a common theme: avoidance. It comes up again and again, and for good reason. To healthily and effectively start on your journey to long-term healing from your anxiety and or panic, you have to stop avoiding your feelings. It’s easier said than done, and I understand how difficult it is to apply this practice in the midst of an anxiety or panic attack. But, I promise, the moment you decide to allow these feelings to occur, is the first step in the right direction. Stop fighting and avoiding these uncomfortable feelings and symptoms, and start understanding them completely.
If you’re like… Shannon, how the heck am I supposed to allow myself to feel? I don’t want to panic, I’m so scared to panic, I hate panicking. I want you to check out my mini-course on Overcoming the Symptoms and Panic Attacks. In it, I walk you through how to find freedom from panic very simply and practically. And I promise, I don’t teach you any of the traditional methods and hacks I’m sure you’ve heard a million times before!
Feeling like you've tried everything but you're still struggling with lots of anxious thoughts, symptoms, panic attacks, and fears? Take my FREE 60-minute masterclass today and learn 5 shifts that will actually help you to overcome anxiety, panic disorder, and agoraphobia. And I promise, you won't hear any of the usual stuff from me - like doing breathing exercises, grounding practices, cutting out caffeine, and doing more exposures. Let's get you the peace and freedom you deserve without it being so hard!
Check out my masterclasses here and start experiencing lots more peace, joy, & freedom!