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Let's Talk About My 10-Week Program Panic to Peace

On this week's episode of A Healthy Push podcast, I go in-depth about one of my favorite parts of A Healthy Push, and something especially personal to me: Panic to Peace! Over the past 3 years, my 10-week Panic to Peace program has helped hundreds of students overcome their anxious thoughts, symptoms, panic, and fears and create a healthy relationship with anxiety. Ultimately, allowing them to achieve long-term healing, and experience more joy, peace, and freedom. 

In this episode, I’m giving you an inside look into the inception of Panic to Peace, details about the program, and who I think can benefit most from my program. Let’s get into it! 

The Backstory…

When I first set out to create my Panic to Peace program, I designed it with myself in mind. As someone who struggled with panic, anxiety, and agoraphobia for 15+ years, I know firsthand the kind of helpless frustration that can build in your attempts to find genuine, effective help. Now, 7 years into my recovery, I wanted to take what I’ve learned throughout my journey, good and bad, effective and ineffective, and share those thoughts and applications with you in an easily digestible format. My goal? To help you improve your relationship with anxiety and find peace, just as I have. And hopefully, with not as many twists and turns (and wasted time) along the way! 

What Makes Panic to Peace So Successful… 

There are 3 foundational aspects that encapsulate Panic to Peace and they are what makes the program so successful for so many people: Education, Community, and Support. 


With anything, mental health or otherwise, you can’t effectively start addressing an issue without first being informed about it. And the reality is, a majority of people suffering from anxiety are not educated enough about it and can struggle to identify and understand what is causing it in the first place. Or, you’ve been ingesting so many conflicting tips and tricks online/on social media, that you can’t begin to make sense of it all. In Panic to Peace, it is not my goal to present it as a lecture, or some boring textbook explaining the intricacies of anxiety in general. Instead, I teach you simple and practical approaches - no fancy methods, techniques, hacks, or quick fixes. I educate and inform you (simply and practically) enough to start addressing anxiety with purpose


Let’s be honest, struggling with anxiety can be extremely isolating. You feel misunderstood, you don’t know where to turn, or who to talk to, and eventually, you turn inward. And while you may think you can just deal with it on your own, this self-created isolation, intentional or not, can cause even more anxiety. A major reason I created Panic to Peace, and something that has been reinforced and echoed by a huge number of current and past students, is the sense of community. We often underestimate the power and benefits of community, and how having a group of people working through the same things, together, can have a profound impact on recovery and healing. You are not alone in your journey with anxiety, and in Panic to Peace, that becomes abundantly clear. 

Support From Someone Who Gets It

Not only are you receiving the ever-valuable sense of community support, Panic to Peace offers another unique form of support: from me. I know that when I was struggling, I went from therapist to therapist in search of help. And at the end of the day, I never felt as though I was being truly heard or understood. People would try to help and understand, but as you know, anxiety isn’t something you can easily explain or relate to with someone who has never experienced it themselves. In Panic to Peace, you get education, support, and solutions from someone who has been there. No matter where you are in your relationship with anxiety, I was once in that same position. I understand your thoughts, feelings, and desire to heal, on a level that is not usually found in the mental health space.

a girl walking peacefully
Find Peace in 2025!

How Does it Work? 

The Panic to Peace program is offered in two different formats, live and self-paced. While both versions are beneficial, I understand that people learn in different ways and at different paces. Let me briefly break down the difference between them, and which may be most beneficial for you: 

The Live Version: 

  • Teachings by me and my hands-on support, throughout the program

  • Weekly live sessions that are typically around 90 minutes (45 mins teaching/30+ mins group sharing) 

  • A safe and supportive community of people who are on a similar journey as you

  • Geared toward people who may feel like they need weekly support/motivation/accountability 

Self-Paced Version: 

  • Same material, same program, delivered to you in a self-paced format to follow along and complete on your own time

  • Can be helpful to work through the material with your therapist, if you’re unable to join to live version and are seeking additional support 

  • Geared toward those of you who may have a busy life schedule, are self-motivated, and have a solid support system in place at home 

  • I am not present, and not readily available for additional support/accountability 

At the end of the day, there’s no wrong answer/version when choosing your route to a better relationship with anxiety and long-term healing. What may work for some, may not work for you, and that’s okay. It’s worth mentioning, that if you’re on the fence, and having trouble deciding which version to sign up for, the live version offers a little more in terms of community, support, and accountability, all of which can be crucial in your recovery. And this is not just my opinion, a countless number of past and present students have expressed just how helpful they find the live version and all that comes with it. You can check out what past Panic to Peace students have said about taking the program here!

Is Panic to Peace For Me? 

You may be thinking, Shannon, this sounds great! I love your other content, I’ve taken some of your mini-courses, but I still struggle with anxious thoughts and feelings; is Panic to Peace meant for me? Well, let me share some common issues I see in people who sign up for the program, which in turn are the things I address throughout the 10 weeks.

P2P is for you if… 

  • You’re struggling with anxiety and panic.

  • You find it hard to do everyday things and bigger things because you’re consistently having anxious thoughts, and feelings, or experiencing panic attacks.

  • You’ve put restrictions and limitations on your life because you’re scared to feel anxious or experience panic outside of your comfort zone.

  • You feel like you’ve tried all of the traditional methods but you just can’t seem to experience relief no matter how hard you try.

  • You want to get better and maybe even know you can but you just need a little help and support to get there.

If you’re reading these and recognize some or all of them may apply to you, I have great news: your never-ending search for help is over! If you’re ready to start your journey to long-term healing/improvement, be sure to get on the waitlist for 2025 Panic to Peace sessions before classes fill up. I hope to see you and support you on the inside!

And if you’re not quite ready to take the leap and join P2P, I highly recommend you check out my mini-courses. They’re a much smaller investment and they’re a great way you can learn from me and see if you find what I teach to be helpful.


Feeling like you've tried everything but you're still struggling with lots of anxious thoughts, symptoms, panic attacks, and fears? Take my FREE 60-minute masterclass today and learn 5 shifts that will actually help you to overcome anxiety, panic disorder, and agoraphobia. And I promise, you won't hear any of the usual stuff from me - like doing breathing exercises, grounding practices, cutting out caffeine, and doing more exposures. Let's get you the peace and freedom you deserve without it being so hard!

Check out my masterclasses here and start experiencing lots more peace, joy, & freedom!


Ways to work with me...

Driving Anxiety Masterclass

A two hour masterclass that teaches you how to experience more peace and freedom behind the wheel, whether you struggle as the driver, the passenger, or a bit of both!

Panic to Peace

(10-week live course)

A 10-week live course that will teach you the tools that will help you to overcome your anxious thoughts, the symptoms, panic, and fears (no matter where and in what situations you experience them), and start living a life that is full of lots more peace, joy, freedom, and adventure!

Symptoms & Panic Attacks


A 90 minute masterclass that teaches you how to start approaching the symptoms and panic attacks in a healthy way so that you can finally find freedom from them!

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