On the latest episode of A Healthy Push podcast, I was thrilled to welcome back Annie for another insightful Q&A session. Annie, a former Panic to Peace student and someone who has navigated anxiety and panic firsthand, joined me to tackle your questions. From managing intrusive thoughts to handling panic symptoms, we covered a lot!
So, let's get into some of the questions you sent!
How Do You Get Yourself to Believe the Positive Things You Say to Yourself?
Changing your inner dialogue isn’t about forcing yourself to believe something instantly, it’s about practice and action. Instead of making big, bold statements that don’t feel true yet, you can try:
Shifting your language – Instead of saying, “I’m confident,” say, “I’m learning to trust myself more every day.”
Backing it up with action – You can’t just talk yourself into confidence; you have to take small, brave steps that reinforce those affirmations.
How Do I Handle Existential Intrusive Thoughts?
Intrusive thoughts can be unsettling, but they don’t define you. The key is to allow them to be there without trying to analyze or resist them. The more attention you give them, the stronger they become.
Acknowledge the thought without judgment.
Avoid assigning meaning to it.
Reduce overall stress—intrusive thoughts tend to appear more frequently when you're feeling overwhelmed and stressed.
I Struggle with Panic and Agoraphobia—What’s Your Advice for a Big Trip?
Planning a big trip can be intimidating when anxiety and agoraphobia are part of the picture, Annie and I can both attest to that. Here’s some simple advice/things to consider that you may find helpful!:
Make sure it’s a trip you actually want to take – Fear may tell you otherwise, but deep down, would you go if anxiety weren’t an issue?
Take anxiety with you – Don’t expect to feel completely calm; allow space for discomfort.
Bring comfort items – Music, books, or anything that helps ground you.
Break it down into manageable steps – If a long drive feels overwhelming, can you split it into two days? Small adjustments can make a big difference.

Can a Toxic Environment Affect Healing from Agoraphobia?
My short and sweet answer - Absolutely! Healing is tough when you’re in an environment that feels unsafe or unsupportive. If you can’t change your environment immediately, focus on:
Setting boundaries – Protect your mental space where possible.
Creating small safe zones – Even having one area where you feel secure can help.
Building a long-term exit plan – If leaving is necessary, having a plan in place can make it feel more attainable.
Ask for support – Having support when you're in a toxic environment helps a ton, and your support system can help you to make a plan for long-term change.
How Do I Stop Physical Symptoms from Triggering Panic Attacks?
Trying to “make symptoms go away” often backfires and keeps them hanging around. Instead, you can work on:
Allowing the sensations – Fighting them only makes them stronger.
Changing the dialogue – Instead of, “Oh no, my heart is racing!” try, “This is uncomfortable, but I’ve felt this before and I’ll work through this.”
Redirecting your focus – Engaging in something else rather than fixating on symptoms helps lessen their power.
How Do You Convince Yourself It’s "Just Anxiety" and Not Something More Serious?
Rather than trying to convince yourself it's "just anxiety," focus on slowing down the spiral:
If you’re asking, “What if this isn’t just anxiety?” recognize that this thought itself is anxiety.
Shift your dialogue to: “This is uncomfortable, but I know what this is and I know it will pass.”
Trust that as you build resilience, your confidence in handling anxiety will grow.
How Do You Get Comfortable Being Far from Home?
Feeling weird about being far from home is normal! Instead of forcing yourself to feel okay, let yourself feel whatever it is you're feeling.
Start small and gradually expand your comfort zone.
Bring familiar comforts that help ease the transition.
Remind yourself of past situations where you handled discomfort successfully.
Final Thoughts
We often overcomplicate healing, but recovery is about small, consistent steps and self-compassion. If you’re looking for deeper support, check out my mini-courses and my 10-week program Panic to Peace.
Thank you for sending in some great questions, and I hope that Annie and I helped provide some clarity and helpful applications when dealing with these thoughts! You are not alone, and sometimes knowing that others are having or have dealt with similar experiences can be a powerful tool on your journey to long-term healing.
Have more anxiety recovery questions? DM me or leave a comment on my other social media platforms!
Feeling like you've tried everything but you're still struggling with lots of anxious thoughts, symptoms, panic attacks, and fears? Take my FREE 60-minute masterclass today and learn 5 shifts that will actually help you to overcome anxiety, panic disorder, and agoraphobia. And I promise, you won't hear any of the usual stuff from me - like doing breathing exercises, grounding practices, cutting out caffeine, and doing more exposures. Let's get you the peace and freedom you deserve without it being so hard!
Check out my masterclasses here and start experiencing lots more peace, joy, & freedom!